
Welcome to the International Federation of Classification Societies

Founded in 1985, the IFCS is a federation of national, regional, and linguistically-based classification societies. It is a non-profit, non-political scientific organization, whose aims are to further classification research. Amongst other activities, the IFCS organises a biennial conference, publishes a newsletter, and supports the Journal of Classification (JoC) and the journal Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (ADAC).

Hans-Hermann Bock has written a history of the IFCS (PDF file, approx. 9 megabytes). Further information about the activities of the federation can be obtained in its governance documents, or by contacting the IFCS Secretary.

IFCS Flyer(2020) (PDF file, approx. 250KB)

The eighteenth biennial meeting of the Federation, IFCS 2024, will take place in San Jose, Costa Rica, July 2024

Conference website:

Details, including application information, for awards related to IFCS 2024 are available at Conference website

Information on how to become a member society is in the member societies area.

The Report of the President from the 2019 IFCS Council meeting, which was held in Thessaloniki, is available here.

start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/06 10:02 (external edit)

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