If you use this data set in publications please cite
Franck, P., E. Cameron, G. Good, J.-Y. Rasplus, and B. P. Oldroyd (2004) Nest architecture and genetic differentiation in a species complex of Australian stingless bees. Mol. Ecol._ 13, 2317-2331.
Bernhard Hausdorf told me that even within species lower similarity can occur provided that the individuals are from very different locations, because then interbreeding may not have happened even though possible in principle. For this reason, locations are provided.
Variables C1 and C2 are coordinates of locations of individuals in decimal format, i.e. the first number isclatitude (negative values are South), with minutes andcseconds converted to fractions. The second number is longitude (negative values are West).
Variable "species" takes values 1 to 9, which are categorical indicators for different species according to Franck et al. (2004).
B. Hausdorf and C. Hennig Species Delimitation Using Dominant and Codominant Multilocus Markers. Systematic Biology 59, 491-503 (2010).
C. Hennig How many bee species? A case study in determining the number of clusters. M. Spiliopoulou, L. Schmidt-Thieme, R. Janning (eds.): Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery Springer, Berlin (2013), 41-49.
Results are not provided with the dataset.
Some background on species: Hausdorf B (2011) Progress toward a general species concept. Evolution 65: 923–931 J K Pritchard, M Stephens, and P Donnelly (2000) Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data. Genetics 155(2):945-59.
Their result is useful as a reference but cannot be used as ultimate ground truth.