If you use this data set in publications please cite
Van Mechelen, I., & De Boeck, P. (1989). Implicit taxonomy in pstchiatric diagnosis: A case study. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 8, 276-287.
2. variables (28):
2.1 internal variables (24): psychiatric symptoms based on headings of Psychiatric Status Schedule (Spitzer, Endicott, Fleiss, & Cohen, 1970): 1. inappropriate affect; appearance or behavior; 2. interview belligerence - negativism; 3. agitation - excitement; 4. retardation; 5. lack of emotions; 6. speech disorganization; 7. grandiosity; 8. suspicion - ideas of persecution; 9. hallucinations - delusions; 10. overt anger; 11. depression; 12. anxiety; 13. obsession - compulsion; 14. suicide; 15. self injury; 16. somatic concerns; 17. social isolation; 18. daily routine impairment; 19. leisure time impairment; 20. antisocial impulses or acts; 21. alcohol abuse; 22. drug abuse; 23. disorientation; 24. memory impairment
2.2 external variables (4):
2.2.1 global assessment (1): 25. rating on Global Assessment Scale (Endicott, Spitzer, Fleiss, & Cohen, 1976), a 101-point scale for overall severity of psychiatric disturbance
2.2.2 DSM-III Axis 1 diagnosis, coded into three dummy variables (3): 26. Affective (Affective Disorder or Anxiety Disorder); 27. Psychotic (Schizophrenic Disorder or Paranoid Disorder); 28. Substance abuse (Substance Use Disorder or Substance-Induced Disorder)
Global Assessment Scale: 0-100 (with lower values indicating higher severity)
no missing values
(In most previous analyses of these data Symptom 15 (self injury), which was absent in all patients, was removed from the data.)
result of application of Bayesian extension of two-mode overlapping cluster analysis (HICLAS) used in the previous paper: Leenen, I., Van Mechelen, I., Gelman, A., & De Knop, S. (2008). Bayesian hierarchical classes analysis. Psychometrika, 73, 39-64.
result of latent class analysis: De Soete, G. (1993). Using latent class analysis in categorization research. In I. Van Mechelen et al. (Eds.), Categories and concepts: Theoretical views and inductive data analysis (pp. 309-330). London: Academic Press.
result of Bayesian latent class analysis: Berkhof, J., Van Mechelen, I., & Gelman, A. (2003). A Bayesian approach to the selection and testing of mixture models. Statistica Sinica, 13, 423-442.
result of Galois lattice analysis: Guénoche, A., & Van Mechelen, I. (1993). Galois approach to the induction of concepts. In I. Van Mechelen et al. (Eds.), Categories and concepts: Theoretical views and inductive data analysis (pp. 287-308). London: Academic Press.